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employees’ profit sharing plan
雇员利润分享计划  detail>>
profit sharing with employees
利润分享员工  detail>>
bonus and profit sharing plan
员工奖金及分红  detail>>
deferred profit sharing plan
递延利润分享计划 延利润分享计划  detail>>
deferred profit-sharing plan
延期利润分享计划 延期利润分享制  detail>>
employee profit sharing plan
员工利润分享计划 职工利润分享计划  detail>>
profit sharing plan
分红制 利润分成计划 利润分配制 利润分享计划,分红计划 员工分红方案  detail>>
profit-sharing plan
利润分享计划 利润共享计划  detail>>
profit sharing
分红制。  detail>>
利润分成  detail>>
profit plan
利润计划  detail>>
approved profit sharing scheme
经核准的利润分配方案  detail>>
codetermination and profit-sharing
共同决定和利润分享  detail>>
deferred profit-sharing plans
延期利润分享方案  detail>>
pension and profit sharing
养老金和利润分配  detail>>
production profit sharing
生产利润分配  detail>>
profit and loss sharing ratio
损益分配率 盈亏分配率  detail>>
profit sharing bond
分红债券  detail>>